Friday, April 2, 2010

Am I a Fool?

No but sometimes I still get got!

So the morning of April 1st was a busy one. Correcting some homework, preparing food, getting sprayed by the sprayer. Yep, Dani rigged it to spray whoever used the sink, aka MOM! She called Oma to fake a broken arm with which Oma fooled her into actually thinking she believed it. Then Dani and Britti had a great idea. We wrapped their arms with ace bandages and added an arm sling (Britti and Ryan (the anti milk drinkers) have both broken an arm before so we had slings) and it worked marvelously. They had classmates fooled all day long. One boy wouldn't even believe it was an april fools joke, so Dani pulled her arm out and waved it around. Teachers on the other hand were fooled for about a minute (maybe).

Nica tried to get into the action but had no school so we wrapped her arm with an ace bandage anyway. A bit later she says to me "after I trick dad, can we take this off?" Dad had been home for quite awhile, so I don't know how that would work. Then I looked at her arm and said I'd just take it off now. She asked why and I said "because your fingers are blue!" I felt so bad! I had no idea I had wrapped it so tight. She said "It has been hurting for a while."

I tried to get a picture but a dead battery put that idea in the grave.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Good job mom, I can see the head lines now, "april fools prank lives young girl without an arm!" lol.