Saturday, October 30, 2010


So if Dani had an assignment to write a poem about an emotion, what do you think she'd pick?  Obviously the title of this post gives it away, but I am guessing most of you could have picked without any help.  Excitement is pretty much Dani's life, not many people can match her passion for every single thing that ever happens.  Here is her poem:

Excitement rushes out of me,
I am waiting for that day to come,
The day I'm waiting for,
I am excited; it will be so fun,
It will not be a bore
as excitement hurries from my core.

Bouncing off of walls,
Spinning 'round
Running through halls!

I can't wait
as day falls.
The day will make me feel great!
For I can't wait!

Excited, Excited,
Full speed ahead!
I cannot lie in my bed,
while excitement is in my head!

This assignment was at just the right time for Dani's feelings to be intense.  Her birthday and Halloween being the same day and coming up.  I truly believe it "hurries from her core"!


Longmore said...

sounds about right for her! Tell her it's a very inspiring poem!

Jill Pritchett said...

Happy Birthday Dani! Hope that you had a great day. Luv ya!!!

VanBrocklin Family said...

There is no one like Dani. I absolutely love her! Awesome poem!

Sue said...

Dani is a Synonym for Excitment!!

Ashley said...

ah haha so cute! a really good poem too!