Monday, September 14, 2009

Strange, is it true?

So I have no pic for this, I will have to paint a picture for you. Britti painted this for me.

Imagine a time when all the family is together. Both sides in fact, and you get to pick the game we will all play. Hide and seek is the choice and we are all about to play, when all of the sudden Trina and Jeff appear. They are BOTH wearing wedding dresses and on STILTS, and they're JUMPING! Then I woke her up.

This was Britti's dream this morning. I love how weird dreams are! So Trina, will this be fact or fiction!?


katrina said...

AH HA HAHAhahahah oh britti! what a little weirdo.

hmmmm i dont know

i can promise you one thing though if it ever happens you wont find us BOTH in wedding dresses.

stilts on the other hand.... hmmm

Longmore said...

Are you ever going to post again???? And you complain about me, ha!!