Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Chef Nica !

What is Nica making? Something Yummy I am sure. Smells Terrific! Her Future HUSBAND will be proud.

Hair anyone?

The Girls take pride in doing their hair. Time for hair cutts???

Hat Day !

So Red Ribbon week brings a new thing each day, Today happens to be Hat day, The girls choices cracked me up. I love my girls!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Little Baby Lyla !!

I can't believe my little sister is a MOM. Lyla is so cute! I can still hear her singing, When I grow up, I want to be a Mommy, and have a family, one little, two little, three little, puppies of my own!! Come to find out after talking with Tyler, Lyla's name was first heard when their friend called out to their dog. I guess Lindsay was a little prophetic back then. Congrats Tyler and Lindsay! We all adore Lyla!


Friday, October 16, 2009

Britti's latest

So Britti had another crazy dream. When they're really unusual she tells me first thing in the morning. It is funny, she really can't do anything else till after she's told me it all.

This morning as we were closing the door to a sleeping sister and heading down for breakfast she informed me of her dream and went on to describe it. Here it is.

For some reason her cousin Josh is half penguin. She and Josh were left out of a family hike right at the trail head because they were too small (I have no idea where Lauryn and Nica were). Josh decided he wanted to go so Britti let him walk to the trail and he took off. She took the nearest tunnel that would slide her to where Oma was. When she got to Oma Britti said "What are you doing here just relaxing?" Oma smiled then asked Britti what she needed. Britti told her about josh so Oma picked up the nearest turtle shell (a bunch had come out of the tunnel Britti came through), put the shell to her ear and listened. Then she told Britti Josh was dead, she found out by listening to the turtle shell. He got swallowed up in the water full of monsters. Then she woke up and the house was creepy quiet and she got teary eyed thinking maybe it was really one of us that died. Then I walked in and she found out all was well.

I don't really get the penguin part but whatever, it's not like the rest of it made sense.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Just a little clarification for anyone who may read this and is not from Utah. Smith's is a local grocery store. It is funny to me that a grocery store is Dani's favorite store. Also Dani's Smith's face is the face she makes when she is begging to go to Smith's. Sorry if I was a bit confusing.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

What's your favorite store?

So what do you think my 11 year old's favorite store is? Some of you may say Toys 'R' Us? How about some sort of clothing store? Maybe even some little jewelry shop? Nope, this is Dani's Smith's face. I'm not putting a plug on here for Lance and Em. It is the one store Dani loves, "especially at night" as she puts it. We can't pass one without her begging to go in. She's a nut! But I have personally heard Bob say that this little nut has not fallen far from the tree! FYI that is Ryan's side of the trunk. Anyway, I had to go tonight and she seriously almost cried when she thought I was going after she went to bed (which I was). I caved and went early so she could go.

Check yes or no (sing the song)

I know it's not a great picture but I thought it was funny. You can click on it to make it bigger but I'll write what it says. The author of this note was Britti.

Please can I come out? I promise I'll be good! Please sign! (with an arrow pointing to the Yes line)

Please don't sign! (with an arrow pointing to the No line)

Harry Potter

So we girls are finally reading Harry Potter. I just finished the 4th, Dani is midway through the 4th and Britti is in the 1st. I think it is number 5 that came out as a PG13 movie. What do you all think about the book? I plan on reading it before I let Dani but I was wondering what other people thought. Too mature for an 11 year old (yes I'm rounding up)? What about an 8 year old? Thanks!

Fall is in the air!

Dani was very proud to have come up with this all on her own. She made the entire thing from the idea down to the feathers for hay. October is easily Dani's favorite month of the year (due to her birthday) and she celebrated the beginning of the month in style. I thought it was rather creative and clever myself.

Oh, and in this picture Britti is planning her family party that she is hosting. I've got a feeling that I just might win the awesome Bingo prize! (FYI our kids constantly host private parties, immediate family only, they rock!) Dani just wanted a piece of wheat bread. And no Nica did not spend the entire day in jammies.


Thanks to Omi and Opi's plentiful Yo Yo collection, Dani can continue her love for it. She has an interesting technique don't you think?

We'll start off with Nica

So this is how Wednesday was spent for Nica. No known cause or any real idea of what her problem is. Just a tummy ache. No other side effects. After 3 decent naps on Wednesday and a good one today, things seem to be getting better! School is a great motivator for her to be healthy, so hopefully tommorrow is the day she's done with quarantine!